Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Developmental Swim Season

Every October, the UCSD MASTERS SWIM PROGRAM goes forward in time to help the swimmers with their swimming technique.  Pretty exciting, right?  We call it our Developmental Swim Season.  Anybody can walk and run...we've been doing that since we were just kids.  But swimming is a different kind of a fitness routine.

If you're a swimmer, you already know that swimming is a very technical sport.  There's more to do than just jump in and go.  First of all you're in the water...trying to stay afloat, and full of air.  Your ultimate goal is to move forward through the water with the least amount of resistence.  Then you need to move your arms and legs in a specific manner to make everything work as one.   Since a swimming pool is just a big rectangle, pretty quickly you'll have to turn around and come back to where you started.  Everything in action at the same time...that's what it's all about. 

Our goal during this time of the year is to teach more than coach.  With a little help from your freshly honed skills and a few brain cells, all you'll need to do is follow the stroke progression and in a few days you're swimming better than ever!  Join our program to experience a great fitness environment on a regular basis....yeah, we have workouts 7 days a week...plenty of options for anybody's schedule.  Our special STUDENT DISCOUNT is only $55.00 for a full quarter of swimming...or running...or multi-sport training.  Over all, thats a total of 338 workouts in one quarter....hmmmm, do you  think thats enough?  See you in the pool.

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